In today’s digital age, the quest for truth often takes a backseat to the allure of popularity, money, and fame. Many individuals, masājid, and organizations now prioritize aligning themselves with religious speakers who are influential and draw a crowd, even at the cost of denying clear and factual information. This growing trend of defiance against truth is fueled by a desire to be socially accepted and validated. The drive for social and financial gain has increasingly overshadowed the value of honesty and sincerity, leading to a culture where being liked and admired eclipses the pursuit of truth, justice, and integrity.

Below is a list of individuals and organizations who were either directly informed, or came to know, about Dunia’s egregious behavior and actions. Their action/inaction upon receiving such details is noted below and will continue to be updated. If you are in contact with those that continue to be defiant and promote individuals who exhibit disgusting and reprehensible behavior, please approach them directly and ask them: WHY?!
⋮ leaders ⋮
I contacted Yaser Birjas multiple times regarding Dunia. He refused to help and stated he will have nothing to do with it. I later on come to find out, after there was a swatting attack (with police breaking into my home), he spread lies and was engaged in slandering me. He stated that the police gave him a “verbal report” that I had swatted myself … this was PROVEN FALSE with multiple evidences. He also relayed to multiple people that I was stalking Dunia and that I had mental issues. He refuses to take accountability for his egregious actions.
Omar Suleiman had a close relationship with Dunia for many years (as exposed in the Unveiled Series). As a once close friend, when asked for help after being harassed and threatened, he simply stated “bro, you know what the community would do to us if we went after a sister.” When I shared with him the false nikkah contract (with his name on it) that Dunia presented in our court hearing, he didn’t care … just a few weeks later he was in the speakers lounge with her and never confronted her. Then when I was swatted, he also engaged in relayed the lies about the police saying I swatted myself. He relayed multiple lies and slandered me with people like Ali Dawah, Muslim Cowboy, and even a prominent community member.
Kamani had conducted the nikkah between myself and Dunia. Even after all the proofs and evidences I provided him of her egregious and heinous actions, not only did he not take any action, but he blocked all communication by refusing to respond to calls/emails/texts. In addition, he continued to participate in programs that Dunia hosted. He had no issue supporting, speaking alongside, and essentially promoting, someone who was the source of oppression, deception, cheating, and harm towards others. EXCEPT after I went public on YouTube … he then distanced himself, while Qalam physically banned Dunia from the premises and all events. This is the pinnacle of hypocrisy … taking action due to public perception.
We had a long conversation where he was shocked to hear about Dunia’s lies and slander. He even relayed to me that in the beginning she had mentioned to him about abuse in our marriage. I even shared with him Dunia’s manipulation and plea to me personally where she asked me not to have a relationship or communicate with him. He also said he had a personal incident with her, though would not share the details. Despite all of that, not only did he stop responding to any of my texts, but he continued to engage in programs she hosted.
I spoke with Murphy after a Roots program, informing him about the numerous lies and slander that Dunia was engaging in. I also requested that he reach out to Mufti Kamani, as he was not responding to me. Unfortunately, there seems to have been some collective discussion/decision to not respond to me. As one of Dunia’s teachers, and as the founder and main organizer of Roots, it amazes me that one of his students/attendees, Dunia, made a claim of attempted murder IMMEDIATELY after his Monday-night Roots program in the parking lot … yet there was no action or investigation. He mentioned to a sister asking why I was banned … that once I resolve my issues with Dunia, that I’m more than welcome to come back to Qalam (essentially removing the ban). So if a sister goes public about the harassment and harm stemming from a male student at Qalam, is the stance from Qalam that they will BAN HER, until she resolves the conflict with the perpetrator?!
As the founder and head of Qalam, I’m deeply disappointed that he refuses to engage in any conversations about what has transpired, despite our relationship spanning for well over a decade. Even when we met this past Eid, he expressed this joy in seeing me saying, “oh heyyy Salman, how are you doing?” And when I asked about meeting up sometime, he said “sure.” Yet once again, absolute silence and no response. It has become clearly evident, Qalam is not an organization of integrity … it is just another organization trying to gain popularity, instead of standing by principles, truth, and justice.
I went to Wasim’s office in urgency when I was being hammered with harassment, especially as he was involved with the organization hosting Dunia in the upcoming week. He kept cutting me off and said he did not want to hear it. He then tried to deflect and say the decision to host her is from the sister’s handling it, but wouldn’t provide their contact information. Of all the (so-called) shuyūkh I spoke with, he was the only one who became irate and would not listen to anything I had to say. I don’t know how and why an imam or community/organizational leader would refuse to hear concerns about a speaker who they were hosting, yet had been involved in propagating lies, slander, and harm upon multiple people. I suppose it’s more convenient to cover one’s ears than be forced to take action … as they say, ignorance is bliss.
After the NTIC event, he stopped by and requested my phone number. He said he would call me later that day. Yet I received no call or text. I tried reaching out to him, but no response. He even read my text message, but decided not to respond. It is also interesting that his wife is a vocal critic of spiritual abuse, but refuses to address Dunia’s action. Somehow Dunia flew under that radar and a flyer was distributed about her speaking at one of their masjid’s events recently. It is only after some community members expressed outrage that they cancelled her event.
He had a longstanding and close relationship with Dunia and her brother for many years. He reached out to brothers in the community and relayed information without reaching out to me directly … so much so that I was getting calls from a brother in Egypt. I tried calling and texting him but he refused to answer or respond. Furthermore, one of the brothers said he did not want to be involved. I hope in the future he would question and verify the information and allegations that are being relayed to you, before passing that onto others. Especially when he comes to know that he was one of many imāms that Dunia secretly recorded in his office.
I spoke multiple times to Basyouni and he also shared concerns and doubts about Dunia. I had called him once after he promoted her fundraising and he expressed appreciation for letting him know. But he never took down his post or retracted his comments about Dunia, despite everything he came to know about. Even after the attempts on my life, his only advice was to move on. Is that the advice that he would give if victims came forward being affected by Wisam Sharieff? To just move on with your life?! In addition, I have made public many allegations of wrongdoings by his colleagues, Yaser Birjas and Omar Suleiman … as the head of AlMaghrib Institute, let any and all inaction be noted.
We spoke for nearly an hour, while I shared the the suffering that me and my family have had to endure, including the attempts taken on my life and my family/children being threatened. As a well-known leader at the national level, I was disappointed that his only suggestion was to seek help from local leaders and organizations. The double standard is disheartening, as that didn’t seem to be his stance when it came to Nouman Ali Khan … as he was quick to sign his name in a letter against NAK, published on MuslimMatters.
I reached out to Navaid after he was promoting a fundraiser for Dunia on social media, shortly after being in an event with her. I forwarded the same email sent to a large number of shuyūkh (even had Dunia CC’d on it for transparency), providing insight and evidences of her lies and wrongdoing. Just like all the other shuyūkh, he disregarded it, refused to respond, and continued promoting her.
As someone who I met well over a decade back via an AlMaghrib class, and then came over my house where we had really constructive conversations about engaging in projects serving the ummah, I reached out to Ahmad after having seen that he had been engaging in programs with Dunia. He expressed his shock with everything that I had relayed to him. And even after sharing this website which had mountains of evidences detailing the corruption behind Dunia, he ignored me and even went to Istanbul to do a program with her. I hope this will be a lesson to investigate and take allegations seriously before trying to pursue name and fame.
Oki is an Indonesian author, preacher, actress, and social media influence with millions of followers. Despite being warned about Dunia and the disturbing and deceptive behavior she has engaged in, Oki continues to associate with and praise Dunia. It is apparent that the glamor of the spotlight and association with popular figures far outweighs standing by principles and refusing to promote someone who has been deemed as deceptive and a liar.
Neelofa is a Malaysian actress, television presenter, and social media influence with millions of followers. Despite having a conversation with her manager who stated he would relay the disturbing information, Neelofa continues to associate with Dunia. It is apparent that the glamor of the spotlight and association with popular figures far outweighs standing by principles and refusing to promote someone who has been deemed as deceptive and a liar.
⋮ organizations ⋮

Many of the leaders at Qalam (Kamani, Jangda, Smith, Murphy) were contacted regarding the egregious and harmful actions of Dunia, yet refused to do anything about it. Despite being provided with extensive evidences, many of its core leadership continued doing programs with her, essentially bolstering her perceived credibility. Upon calling this out publicly, Qalam took swift action to unjustly ban me from their premises and all future events.

LaunchGood, including founders Chris Blauvelt & Amany Killawi, were contacted multiple times regarding the fraudulent, deceptive, and untrustworthy nature of Dunia Shuaib. This included the fact that Dunia had previously pre-sold courses, profiting thousands and thousands of dollars, yet never delivered, nor provided a refund … cheating and stealing money from hundreds of people. Despite this LaunchGood decided to continue providing her a platform for soliciting funds and donations from the community worldwide.

Indonesia Syiar Network continues to praise, promote, and provide a platform to Dunia Shuaib in both Malaysia and Indonesia, despite being informed of her egregious wrongdoings and deceptive behavior. It has become vividly evident that after being banned from her own school and many organizations/masājid, along with most prominent speakers distancing themselves, Dunia has shifted her focus to connecting with organizations overseas — trying to escape any form of accountability.