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Ramadan 2025

Read the Letter

there’s a truth behind the veil ...
and the truth shall always prevail

⋮ the prophet's ﷺ warning ⋮

“Men will appear near the end of time who seek the worldly life with religion, confusing the people. Their skin is as soft as sheep, their words are sweeter than sugar, yet their hearts are like the hearts of wolves.”

Sunan al-Tirmidhī — 2404

"Soon will an era dawn when nothing of Islam will remain except its name. Nothing of the Qur’ān will remain except its text. The Masājid will be ornate (beautifully adorned) structures but devoid of Hidāyah. The worst of the people under the canopy of the sky will be the ‘ulamā (scholars). From them will emerge fitnah, and the fitnah will rebound on them."

al-Bayhaqī, Shu'ab al-Īmān — 1763

⋮ our mission ⋮

Behind Veils is dedicated to dismantling barriers to justice and accountability by providing a platform for the unheard and sidelined voices. Our mission is to shed light on obscured narratives, advocate for accountability, protect the right to one’s honor and dignity, and demand justice in light of wrongdoings and transgressions.

Through our inclusive platform, we strive to empower marginalized individuals and communities, fostering a culture of empathy, understanding, and action … rooted in the guiding principles and directives from both the Qur’ān and Sunnah . Together, we work towards a world where every voice is valued, every story is heard, and justice is truly accessible to all.

What began as one brother’s personal struggles and an emphatic call for accountability, while profiling the corruption amongst religious leaders and institutions, has now spread across the world. The growing sentiment for accountability and justice has lead to Muslims rising up, sharing their stories, and demanding justice. Say no to the status quo!

⚡︎ say NO to the STATUS QUO ⚡︎

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⋮ disclaimer ⋮

The content of this website is intended solely for educational and informational purposes. It is not designed to defame, malign, or harm any individual, organization, or institution. The material presented seeks to provide evidence-based insights into wrongdoing, corruption, and gross negligence.
Our aim is to:
1. Educate the public about harmful behaviors and practices that may affect their safety and well-being.
2. Empower individuals to protect themselves from potential harm and malice.
3. Encourage accountability, transparency, and ethical conduct within our religious and community institutions.
We are committed to presenting factual information responsibly and respectfully. If you believe any content here is inaccurate or misrepresented, please contact us to address and rectify any concerns.