Salman has brought forth serious allegations against Dunia Shuaib, a prominent Islamic speaker. These allegations span false accusations, false testimonies, submission of falsified documents, falsified credentials, manipulation, and slander. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of these allegations. In addition, there are allegations of slander from both Yaser Birjas and Omar Suleiman and a concerted effort by the Valley Ranch Islamic Center to coverup for the egregious actions of its religious leaders.

Adultery Accusation: Dunia accused Salman of committing adultery during their marriage, despite the accusation being absent from her initial divorce filing. Salman asserts this claim is entirely fabricated and baseless. In fact, there are multiple variants of the story she relayed … each one having to do with a different woman.
Fake Marriage Contract: Dunia submitted a falsified nikkah contract in court, claiming they were married in early 2016 while she was in her ‘iddah period. The contract falsely listed Omar Suleiman as the imām of the ceremony. 🤯
Financial Misconduct Claims: Dunia alleged Salman failed to provide financial support during their marriage. Salman refutes this, citing evidence of extensive financial contributions, including trips, gifts, and paying for expenses on her behalf.
Hacking and Abuse Accusations: Dunia claimed Salman hacked her accounts and was physically and emotionally abusive. Salman denies these allegations, presenting evidence of doctored recordings used to support her claims.
Secret Recordings: Dunia secretly recorded private conversations with community leaders and scholars, discussing inappropriate topics and making disparaging remarks about others.
Misrepresentation of Credentials: She falsely claimed to be a licensed therapist and marriage counselor, misleading the community and organizations she worked with.
Fabricated Assistant: Dunia created an imaginary assistant, “Noor Shareef,” to handle her communications and projects. Salman provides evidence of this fabrication, including emails and social media posts.
Coercion and Emotional Manipulation: Dunia allegedly fabricated stories of threats and suicide attempts to gain sympathy and control the narrative. This included circulating a doctored recording.
Twisting Religious Teachings: She misrepresented Islamic teachings by claiming that there are no specific rights in marriage, attributing this view to her instructor at Qalam Institute, AbdulNasir Jangda.
Spreading False Narratives: Dunia spread false accusations about Salman to organizations and community members, portraying him as mentally unstable, abusive, and a stalker.
Damage to Reputation: These actions led to Salman’s social ostracization, affecting his personal and professional life.
Allegedly spread misinformation that the police informed him the swatting call originated from Salman’s home, implying self-orchestration. This was later disproven by police reports and recorded testimony from Detective Parker of the Irving Police.
Held a meeting with VRIC security labeling Salman a potential threat, citing unverified claims of mental instability and domestic abuse. This characterization resulted in Salman being treated as an outcast within the community.
After the swatting incident, Yaser refused to assist Salman, stating, “I will have nothing to do with this and I will not take any blame.” The only request Salman had, as the imām of the masjid where he is a paid member, was to help coordinate a panel of leaders to deal with the threats and gravity of the situation.
Ignored messages from Salman, including evidence of the swatting and threats, leaving him without support or acknowledgment. He refused to address his position and slander after evidences were released that counter and refute his narrative.
- Denied an incident taking place, where Salman referenced Omar delaying a scheduled call with Dunia until his wife left to pick up the kids from school. His response was that Salman is not trustworthy.
Spread multiple lies to social media influencers, like Ali Dawah and Muslim Cowboy, including claims that Salman used AI in one of my recordings and that he was the one that wanted Dunia back.
Spread lies within the VRIC community, including telling a community member that I had called the police on myself, inferring I had staged the swatting attack.
After the swatting incident, Yaser refused to assist Salman, stating, “I will have nothing to do with this and I will not take any blame.” The only request Salman had, as the imām of the masjid where he is a paid member, was to help coordinate a panel of leaders to deal with the threats and gravity of the situation.
Ignored messages from Salman, including evidence of the swatting and threats, leaving him without support or acknowledgment. He refused to address his position and slander after evidences were released that counter and refute his narrative.
VRIC failed to address Salman’s concerns, despite his longstanding membership and active involvement in the community. Despite multiple attempts, including at a General Assembly meeting and Board of Trustees meetings, they refused to address his concerns and discuss the details of his allegations.
Allowed misinformation about Salman to circulate among security staff, exacerbating his isolation and damage to his reputation.
- Refused to investigate or cooperate with the allegations made against Yaser Birjas and the complicity of the board members.
Did not conduct due diligence or seek clarification from Salman about the allegations against him.
- BANNED Salman from both Valley Ranch Islamic Center premises and from partaking in any masjid-related events.
- REVOKED Salman’s longstanding membership as a paid member of the masjid.
- REFUSED to respond and provide any details regarding the baseless claims that Salman had made false statements and slanderous statements about the masjid and its leadership. They entirely ignored Salman’s request for details on the accusations they set forth.
Your Questions ... Answered
Why did you go public?
First off, this is NOT a divorce case. This is NOT an issue between a husband and wife, trying to find a resolution. This is all related to what has transpired afterwards.
I firmly believe in trying to resolve matters privately. And this is exactly what I tried to do for YEARS. I knocked on door after door … imāms, shuyūkh, community leaders, organizations, local, national, and the list goes on.
I tried to move on with my life, yet Dunia’s slander and lies kept spreading in the community. And this had a direct, tangible, and material impact on my life. First, with her trying to sabotage my attempt to get married. Second, with my wife being inundated with gossip she kept hearing upon moving into the community. In the months afterwards, multiple sisters that she met would question her, “is he abusing you at all?” To which she would reply, “of course not, he’s been so good to me.” Their response: “well, maybe you just don’t realize it yet.”
This is the effects of the poison that became cancerous. This is the power of someone deemed as religious, sincere, and influential … FALSELY claiming to be a victim. With such levels of performative piety, why would anyone not believe her?!
Hence the reason why I was left cornered and without any option. I truly hoped that within 24 hours of releasing the first video, leaders would intervene and I would be able to finally get the help needed to address this issue affecting every aspect of me and my family’s life.
A year and a half in and nothing but a deafening SILENCE. Is this what we’ve come to expect from our leaders? Is this the kind of response we’d like when in dire need? Is this the future and precedence we want to set for our children?
The "4 Year" Relationship
The purpose of highlighting a multi-year relationship was to counter the narrative that Dunia had cast out there … one where she claims she just got married and somehow shockingly found out that I (allegedly) had mental/psychological issues and was a physically/emotionally/financially abusive person.
“Relationship” is not equated with “dating” and this began with assisting her on a project related to feeding and providing for orphans overseas. In the upcoming years, we would discuss and collaborate on many other Islamic projects, while also trying to get married.
For the internet that has run wild with assumptions, presumptions, accusations, impressions, conclusions, etc … I was in contact with Dunia’s family for many years prior to getting married. Islamically, she was my fiancé for many years.
The delay in marriage was for the same reason why many men in the West, in the US, in the UK, and other countries … that despite being Islamically divorced, they have to keep their relationship or remarriage discreet … because of the implications of a divorce that can be dragged out for years in the legal courts, and especially the consequences it can have in trying to gain fair custody of one’s children.
"There are TWO sides of the story!"
Absolutely! I 100% agree! And this is why I always asked the shuyūkh and imāms to engage her in trying to resolve this. This is why when I sent an email to a long list of leaders, I included Dunia in the email … for transparency and to allow her to have the opportunity to reply.
I stand by my words and have made it very clear that I am willing to challenge anyone, including the shuyūkh I have mentioned in my videos, in front of a public forum. You will not find inconsistencies in all the testimonies, accounts, and evidences I have presented.
In addition, it should be noted … if there were lies, fabrications, and “made-up” accounts of any events, this would be setting myself up for:
1) a grave punishment with Allāh
2) a walk-in-the-park lawsuit
3) public humiliation
There’s a reason why all the mentioned parties are SILENT. There’s a reason why they will not speak up publicly and refute what I have documented. There’s a reason why not a single person has approached me directly. There’s a reason why some of these shuyūkh have resorted to having “backdoor conversations” and slandering me, in an attempt to discredit me and paint me as an “untrustworthy” person.
I’m always available … set a date/time to meet at the masjid, and invite the whole community. Bismillāh!
Who is behind the swatting attack?
First off, I have NOT specifically named anyone as the responsible party of the swatting attack, or even the second attempt for swatting (via the bomb threat). The call was made to the police the very next day after I began to spread a website I published regarding all the wrongdoings and harmful actions that Dunia had partaken in.
I believe this was a retaliation. My entire life I have never created enemies, had any criminal history, or been on the receiving end of any attacks, harassment, or identity fraud to this extent. Even with respect to all the credit cards that were opened in my name within days of publishing the website, who would have had my SSN and personal information needed to pass the security questions?
There is currently a case open with the FBI and US Department of Justice, who contacted our family, identifying us as a victim of the caller who was hired to coordinate the swatting attacks against us. I’ve elaborated on this in Part 16, which discusses the swatting suspect’s confession to the crimes.
Despite that, the following people/masjid that SPREAD LIES about me have yet to apologize for their harmful actions:
- Yaser Birjas
- Omar Suleiman
- Valley Ranch Islamic Center
Why don't you just move on?
I tried to move on. Unfortunately the continuation of slander in the community did not cease. There is a massive difference when just an average Abdullah or Aisha in the community is spreading lies about their ex-spouse vs a woman, who is perceived as a highly religious and trustworthy person, is (falsely) portraying themselves as a victim of so many facets of abuse.
Even when she found out I was about to get married, she tried to sabotage my marriage by spreading egregious lies and slander through one of her friends, Nahela Morales, also a community leader (as documented in the video). How can one just “move on” when it is suffocating you from every angle and every corner within your community?
What do you expect from the imāms and religious leaders?
Intervention! I never expected them to investigate the swatting attack or other criminal acts launched against me and my family … I left that to the authorities (multiple cases opened with the police and even reported to the FBI).
But what I did expect was leaders to respond to the countless details and evidences I had provided them of the harm that Dunia was causing through her lies and slander. Even the fact that she made baseless claims to multiple people about her ex-sister-in-law trying to run her over in the parking lot THREE different times. Her actions and words have caused a lot of damage and stress to multiple people in the community.
If it was an imām or shaykh that had engaged in such egregious behavior and a woman came crying, with such levels of evidences, would they have just shut the door? It has been over 2 weeks and the leadership here in America remains SILENT!
What's going on with the Valley Ranch Islamic Center?
The case with my local masjid, VRIC, is a very simple one. The shuyūkh (Yaser Birjas and Omar Suleiman) claim that they had spoken with the Irving police on the day of the swatting attack and that the police told them: the call originated from Salman’s home and that, in essence, I staged the swatting attack against myself.
The police have stated that, not only did the call not come my own home, but that there is NO record of anyone at the police department having spoken to the imams or the masjid. I have made a video that contains both the findings in the police report and the testimony from the lead detective.
Despite there being NO open investigation at this time with the police department regarding the event and NO confidentiality requirement, Yaser Birjas and VRIC refuse to cooperate and disclose who they “supposedly” spoke with at the Irving police department.
The matter is quite simple: SOMEONE IS LYING! The FBI has identified our family as victims, as the swatting suspect who was hired to coordinating the swatting attacks CONFESSED! This is an ongoing case with the FBI and US Department of Justice.
I’ve had to suffer feeling anxiety and a sense of humiliation every time I go to the masjid for the past 7+ months, knowing that my name and picture was circulated across the entire security team (and likely others) with me being noted as a possible threat and possibly having mental issues. Even individuals that have been seen in my company at the masjid have later been advised to be cautious around me. As a paid member of the masjid, I’ve called for an immediate investigation, yet no response and no cooperation to do so.
I do want to make something very clear. I have nothing personal against anyone at the masjid, especially the board. I’m very appreciative of the hard work they put in towards making this community grow and thrive. I am simply asking, as appointed leaders of this community, that they investigate the serious concerns of a paid member who has had been negatively impacted for nearly 2 years due to false information that was secretly spread.
Why have you been banned from the Valley Ranch Islamic Center?
Quite simple … for exposing the TRUTH!
I’ve provided extensive evidences in the videos disproving the lies that were spread about me at the masjid … stemming from the imām, Yaser Birjas. They demanded I take down the videos and issue a public apology … otherwise I would be banned. I refused to give in to these bullying tactics, as they have refused to cooperate with me, nor willing to conduct an investigation. The masjid has clearly continued to be involved with a coverup.
Why have you been banned from Qalam?
This is exactly what I would like to know and for Qalam to disclose to the public. I have NEVER bad-mouthed, insulted, or exhibited any form of disrespect to anyone at Qalam. I have never created any type of ruckus or scene on or off campus with Qalam.
The only thing I am “guilty” of … speaking the truth regarding the gross negligence of some of the instructors when I sought their help, which eventually resulted in them blocking/ignoring me and continuing to do programs with Dunia.
Apparently, voicing your concern and highlighting their negligence is grounds to getting you banned. No courtesy call or request for meeting to discuss the concerns I have voiced … just a flat out BAN!
Their vision statement: “We envision a community that thrives off of accessible Islamic knowledge and the practical use of education to raise a community of leaders and activists who are well-equipped for the ever-changing socioeconomic and political scope.”
- No longer accessible
- They want to nurture leaders and activists that will engage and work towards the betterment of our society … unless you express your concerns or opinions in a manner that they deem as unfit or improper
"What about you?"
I’ll be the first to admit, I have many faults and many shortcomings. In no way do I perceive or believe myself to be better than anyone else … not even Dunia. Only Allāh knows our true standing and what we have amassed in our scales. In hindsight, if I could go back in time, there are many things I would change (about myself) … that is a part of learning through the trials/tribulations/adversities/challenges we go through and an integral part of our growth in life.
I have never tried to harm Dunia and, to the contrary, always tried to help her and support her … even after our marriage. I began approaching shuyūkh privately once I realized the gravity and effect of the slander that she was casting about me. With each passing month, we began hearing more and more and realizing how these lies were spreading like wildfire within our communities and even within organizations. With every door being shut repeatedly, I was left with no option but to clear my name from such absurd lies in the public court of opinion.
Are you married?
Alhamdulillah, yes. I am happily married and looking forward to the day this can be put behind us and I can focus on my family. I am truly grateful for the unwavering support of my wife and her patience through all these challenges and hardships. She has been the first to keep reminding me of the importance on putting my trust in Allāh, while seeking accountability and fighting against the corruption/negligence of people in positions of leadership, power, and fame.